(tried to post this last night but it didn't work... so here it is now)
If you have been paying any attention what-so-ever to the goings on in the world you will know that Sri Lanka is in the midst of a "civil" war. In the last 2 days there have been a couple of battles that have happened at sea. I kind of thought we would swing out way away from the island but as it turns out we just spent the last 3 hours looking out on its eastern coast. Many thoughts went through my mind, especially as we past all the small fishing boats. People going about there business, trying to make a living, as their home land is in constant strife. It also is the coastline that was hit so hard by the tsunami 2 years ago.
Sad news on the ship is that we lost a fabulous staff member. The amazing NAM, has gone to be with her family in Florida , and help her mother battle cancer. We will miss her very much but she will be glad to know that folks kept their word last night and had a gin and tonic for her. It was bound to happen sooner or later but with Nam being gone, I have volunteered my services to work her DUTY shifts... just can't get away from the Res Life life. :0)
There is a lot to say about India but you all haven't even seen the Burma pics yet so I will save writing about India for another night but the long and short of it is WOW... in good and bad ways... WOW.
So with any luck the Burma pics will be up before I go to bed (23:19 here at the moment)
A couple of quick shout outs:
B. Stevens: YOU READY????
White: Congrats... when do you leave?
Upper Quad RAs: keep on keepin on... you all rock
Holtz: I got Apps
David P: Hope your feeling well and will be hiking soon
Karen P: twins and mets... DOH
The Fam: Love Ya!
Yum Yum: We love ya and miss ya already!
M Stevens: what happened to your blog?
Sarah W., Sarah H, Christina B - Thanks for the mail... keep it coming
Love the picture Joe
love the burma pictures! looks like a great place!
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