Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Captain's Dinner last night

Last night we finally got to go to a Captain's Dinner... I think it was the last one and it turned out to be a pretty good time. Pretty much what it boils down to is a fancy shmancy dinner with all the high ranking ship crew, faculty, staff, and adult passengers. We were not at the captain's table but at the Chief Engineers and I got to sit next to Biff, who is an adult passenger from Seattle and she is a hoot. The food was very good and I actually drank 3 glasses of wine.

Unfortunately, I was pooped and didn't last long after the dinner.

So it isn't there yet but within the next 12 hours (It is 3:07 a.m. in california right now) I hope to have this video up... if doesn't work the first time you try, wait a few hours and try again.


peace... joe


Anonymous said...

Hi Joy and Joe,

Really enjoyed the elephant dance video. Amazing!! Especially loved the closeups of the little kids.


Anonymous said...

joy & joe!
i'm loving your stories - you're reminding me of all the things i miss about asia! and, joy, my favorites were your images of burma. joe in a hot dog eating contest is pretty funny too!
miss you guys! thought of you over the weekend at nike!
keep writin'!