Wednesday, September 20, 2006


so it is like crazy late and we pull into Hong Kong in less then 5 hrs... very exciting.
Our internet has been crappy since we left Japan but I finally have the Japan photos up and a new Photo page

There isn't a link yet from the main page but I hope to do that soon.

we had very little weather except for the first night out of Japan... we did a great job of avoiding the Typhoon

enjoy the photos ... and no one has won the trivia contest yet... check out the Hawaii photos for the question...



Amy said...

Wow, some of those pictures are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
LOVED your pictures, Joe. The shrines are amazing. The baseball game looked really fun. Keep clicking that camera!
Love you both!
Mom and Karen :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Joe!! Makes me want to head for Japan. Hopefully someday. I'm sure Hong Kong will be equally amazing. I have two guesses for the trivia movie. Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid. Haven't seen either one but they both sound like they have water involved!! Keep the pics coming.

Dad (Cary)

Anonymous said...

I'm behind on the Hello from south . . . blog, but of course I went through the pictures. Great stuff! How is all this considered work? Keep the photos and captions coming. I like seeing you guys in the photos, too. Zoe says, Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures! You really got some great ones. I am definitely adding Japan to my list of places I need to visit. I am so excited for you guys and this awesome adventure!
--Sarah H

Anonymous said...

Great pictures guys! Hey, did you get my mail in China??? Wanted to surprise you but now I'm wondering. Love and miss you guys, Cristina

Anonymous said...

Crap, I just read the post I had missed. You skipped China. DANG! What happens to your mail??? Of course it'd be the one port I wrote to you at...

Eddie Anna and Misha said...

Hey, I wanna take a stab at your trivia question... is it from Shawhank Redemption?