Tuesday, December 05, 2006


these last few days are hard... the process of packing is going slow and we had to take all of our stuff down from the wall this morning. It is very strange to go into our room now... nothing on the walls, it is almost like we just moved in and we have yet to go around the world.

anyway... before I get too emotional...

I've put up some more pics from around the ship that I haven't had the chance to put up yet.

I'm off to pack up some of the books I've bought back... not fun but someone has to do it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joy & Joe~
Thanks so much for sharing your amazing journey. I've so enjoyed reading all your posts and scrolling through your photos. You both painted such a vivid and wonderful picture of all the places you've been, people you've met and experiences you've had. It's been fun. I'm sorry that this journey is ending for you but, like anything, you'll always have it with you. And so will all of us with whom you'd shared your stories - you made me cry and laugh numerous times with your heartfelt thoughts and emotions. ;)

Enjoy your last fews days on the ocean and your rendezvous with family in Florida. Did you get my letter in Spain?
I can't wait to see you both!