Lauren Elizabeth Patton
Hi everyone... hopefully you all didn't have any trouble finding us in our new blog home. I think this will work out fine and it will be far less stressful for me to update on a regular basis.
I know some of you had issues with the pictures from San Diego and Ensenada and that was because they were broken. Hopefully this link will work.
love ya all... thanks for reading...
guess I could write a little something about our day... Joy got a little sea sick last night after a long meeting in the Union, which is in the front of the ship where the movement is worse. But by the morning she was fine and nothing came up... which was nice. I've been doing well for the most part, a little woosy here and there but I have not taking anything yet but I do wear my cool bracelets around.
Lots of textbook issues, damn UVA bookstore failed to ship many boxes of books, so it could be tough luck for some students who didn't buy books. But it is fun to interact with all the students in the bookstore and I even had a couple of times today where I went for a good 30 min. and forgot I was on a ship in the middle of the ocean. We have a cool thing on our tv that shows us where we are in the ocean, even better is that it plays cheesy 80's music at the same time. Reminds me of being in the office with Brian Stevens!!! (you better be reading this)
cloudy at sea today and no sea life that I saw but I did see another ship off in the distance which was kind of crazy... ok the pictures are done up loading so I'm gonna upload this post, check to make sure it works then conserve some minutes and go have a drink up in the faculty staff lounge.
I thought it was only my computer that could not see the pics. Glad to see this new format works. I look forward to following you guys on your trip. -ang
Hi joy and Joe,
Glad to see the pix of Tara, Hans, and Lauren Elizabeth. Didn't know if the happy news had traveled out to the Pacific Ocean!
Love you, Mom and Karen :)
dude, throw up a photo fo those bracelets, I wanna see what you are using...
also, get some ginger pills. did I tell you about my experiment with them after seeing it on MythBusters? 500mg of ginger - once a day is supposed to do it, but I'm a wuss and need about 3 a day for heavy travel. works great with no druggy effects.
What songs did they play? I am trying to think of cheesy songs that would go with ocean travel. The only song I could think of is "Come Sail Away" by Styx, but that was a 70's song.
I think this proves I am reading your blog, buddy.
We missed you at pizza yesterday. It wasn't the same.
Where is the monkey?
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